Burigi Chato national park Fees 2025-2026

EA ( Tshs) Non EA Citizen (USD) Expatriate/ Residents ( USD)
Of above the age of 16 years 5000 30 15
Between the age of 5 to 15 years 2000 10 5
Children below the age of 5 years Free Free Free

The entrance fees for Burigi National Park remain valid from July to June; however, rates are adjusted after June.

Directions to Burigi Chato National Park.

Burigi Chato National Park is accessible by both road and air from Chato town.

Via flight.

The closest town is Chato, which features an international airport, allowing for private charters to an airfield near the Nkonje Ranger Post adjacent to Lake Burigi or to the Birahamulo airstrip.

Via Road.

Access to the park by road is feasible, as it is linked to nearby towns like as Chato and Karagwe.

Burigi-Chato National Park is the most captivating park in Tanzania, featuring attractions such as Lake Burigi, the country’s third-largest lake, which is characterized by numerous islands, inlets, and bays along its expanse. Some areas are swampy and serve as habitats for the rare sitatunga antelope and potentially the rare shoebill stork.

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